Development Process

The development process describes all the main activities related to Sitecore developers on the project.

Development Process

🧑‍💻 Local

Developer creates a branch in accordance to the branching strategy, then adds commits with code changes, unit tests, integration tests, and finally opens a pull request.

🧪 Quality Gate 1

The code complies with the code convention, code standards, passed unit tests.

📝 Code Review

Development team reviews and discusses code changes and approves it in case of there are no issues.

🧪 Quality Gate 2

The coding style matches project guidelines.

⚙️ Integration

Continuous Integration (CI) builds the code, performs unit tests, generates a code coverage report, run static code analysis.

🧪 Quality Gate 3

Code is successfully built, passed all unit tests, complies with code coverage agreements and static code metrics.


Continuous Deployment (CD) spin up an ephemeral environment, deploys the code and run integration tests to verify changes on the remote server.

🧪 Quality Gate 4

The build is successfully deployed and passed all white box automation tests.

👩‍🔬👨‍🔬 QA

Developer merges the Pull Request and CD deploys build on QA environment. QA team performs manual testing.

🧪 Quality Gate 5

The build complies with quality criteria verified by QA team.


Lead developer cuts a release branch. CD deploys build on UAT environment. Client performs user acceptance testing.

🧪 Quality Gate 6

The build passes user acceptance testing and other type of testing, which may include performance, stress, security testing etc. in the environment similar to production.